Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The Faire was a success, visitors and participants had fun. The entertainment was well received and the actors were wonderful. The food was very tasty and reasonably priced, Dragon legs, Dragon burgers, Dragon chops, Dragon sausage, (no dragon parts were overlooked!), cheesecake on a stick, kettle corn, beer, lemonade and things I didn’t even get to. The forest lanes were filled with kids of all ages playing with fairies, bubble magic, games and animals of many types. Those who did not attend definitely missed a good time.
Mary did a great job of demonstrating the different dyes that were in use at the time, plants and insects, indigo, bloodroot, Osage and others. Many were mystified by the unexpected colors that some of the dyes produced. The people who stopped for the dying demonstration were also interested in how Mary spun flax into linen thread and the old fairy tail of Rumpelstiltskin. Many of the youngsters didn’t know the story or the underlying truth of the old story.
“Gandalf” (me) had a wonderful time playing with the folks who stopped at our booth. They liked the geodes and minerals adorned with the pewter figures of dragons, sorceresses and sorcerers, along with other mythical characters.
To top it all off people liked the items for sale in the gallery, mineral displays, wands, staves, naturally dyed silk, jewelry, knitted goods and polished gemstones.

To sum it all up the Faire was a success in every way. I hope you consider visiting the faire next year, it’s always the last weekend in June and the first weekend in July. The Faire grounds is about a mile north of Carlsville just off of Highway 42.

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